3 Major Rules of a Successful USP

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Showroom-829845_1280Just about every marketing book stresses the importance of having a successful “unique selling proposition” (USP).  This is often called a unique selling point, unique selling position, or even a unique selling product.

But many times they fail to follow the 3 major rules of a successful USP.  These were introduced by Robert Reeves in his book Reality in Advertising which was published way back in 1961.  And yes, he was one of the Mad Men that the popular TV show is loosely based on).

Mr. Reeves argues that being different isn’t enough.  To be truly successful your USP (unique selling position) must:

1)    Offer a benefit your prospect truly wants, needs, desires.  It should really offer a benefit your prospect can’t get unless they buy your product/service.  It should say, “Buy this product, for this specific benefit.

2)    Deliver a clear difference from the competitor’s product.  Is your product exactly the same product sold by your competitor?  When a customer loads your website or walks into your store, is it exactly like your competitor’s website or store?  Your benefit must be one that your competition cannot or does not offer.  It must be unique.

3)    This difference must be huge!  Your prospect should take notice and immediately see why this difference means buying from you is the only smart choice.  Remember, a USP must be strong enough to attract new customers.