10 Surefire Ways to Make More Money and Keep It in the Bank!

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My-Profit-Guru-newGo to www.myprofitguru.com to listen to our free webinar that will show you the following 10 surefire ways to make more money and keep it in the bank. This one-hour webinar is jam-packed with information that I have used over the last thirty-plus years to help business owners increase their profits.

The following are the items I cover that I know can help you double or triple your profits this year:

  1. See what the crowd is doing and do the opposite.
  2. Focus your time on the work that increases profits, sales, and cash flow.
  3. Manage and improve every step of the sales cycle.
  4. Increase sales to current customers.
  5. Create a marketing system to get the big customer.
  6. Speed up and improve all areas of the business transaction cycle.
  7. Understand and utilize the most important rule of business.
  8. Use five critical accounting numbers to increase profits, sales, and cash flow.
  9. Never totally trust your bookkeeper.
  10. Be a lifetime learner.

At www.myprofitguru.com you will also receive a list with all legal business tax deductions (So you don’t ever miss a legal deduction again!), 65 tax-cutting tips, and a list of QuickBooks keyboard shortcuts.

Please let me know what you think of this free webinar.

Thank you for your continued support and let’s make this year our most profitable year ever!